This page will cover the installation basics, for those who are comfortable installing complex software. If you are looking for more guidance in installtion, skip down to the platform specific instructions below.
Basic Instructions for installing the latest version (v1.x or later):
git clone
cd tilemill
nvm install lts/carbon
nvm use v8.15.0
npm install
npm start
This will setup TileMill to run with a few example projects to get you started.
If you’d like a more complete example project, or want to integrate with OpenStreetMap data, check out the OSM Bright guides:
In TileMill v0.10.1 and prior (when TileMill was being maintained by MapBox), installation packages were available for multiple platforms. See the detailed instructions per platform, to see the old way to install.
Platform Specific Instructions
Detailed instructions for Mac OSX, Ubuntu, Windows, and other platforms.
Make your first map with CSV data.
Read the TileMill manual.