
Display legend information on the map. This internally creates the legend, and then you can add it to a map by chaining .appendTo(map.parent).


var mm = com.modestmaps;
  function(tilejson) {
    var m = new mm.Map('map-div',
      new wax.mm.connector(tilejson));
    wax.mm.legend(m, tilejson).appendTo(m.parent);
    m.setCenterZoom({ lat: 39, lon: -98 }, 2);


var legend = wax.mm.legend(map, tilejson)

Create a new legend object. This control requires the TileJSON object to be valid and contain a valid legend attribute.


Add the legend element - a div of the form

<div class='wax-legends'><div class='wax-legend'>legend content</div></div>

var element = legend.element()

Get this legend’s DOM element. Can be useful to do things with jQuery or other DOM code, like moving, hiding, or modifying the element.