A control that enables users to select a bounds on a map by holding the shift key and dragging on a map. It’s useful for stuff like selecting areas to render in TileMill or areas to download for offline use.
var url = 'https://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/mapbox.blue-marble-topo-bathy-jul.jsonp'; wax.tilejson(url, function(tilejson) { var m = new MM.Map('map-div', new wax.mm.connector(tilejson)); wax.mm.boxselector(m, tilejson, { callback: function(coords) { $('#boxselector-text').text( coords.map(function(c) { return c.lat + ',' + c.lon; }).join(' - ')); } }); m.setCenterZoom({ lat: 39, lon: -98 }, 2); });
var boxselector = wax.mm.boxselector(map, options or callback)
, containing the extent of a selection, as represented
by an array with two elements of type com.modestmaps.Location.
var extent = boxselector.extent()
boxselector.extent([com.modestmaps.Location, com.modestmaps.Location], [silent])