The Polymaps connector lets you quickly configure a MapBox map with Polymaps.
This connector is a bit different than the others: since Polymaps
does not configure per-layer min & max zoom levels, you’ll need to
use tilejson.maxzoom
and tilejson.minzoom
as in the example below, to prevent overzooming.
<html> <head> <script src='wax/ext/polymaps.js' type='text/javascript'></script> <script src='wax/dist/wax.p.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
wax.tilejson('', function(tilejson) { var po = org.polymaps; var map = .container(document.getElementById('map-div').appendChild(po.svg('svg'))) .zoomRange([tilejson.minzoom, tilejson.maxzoom]) .zoom(2) .center({lat: 0, lon:0}) .add(wax.p.connector(tilejson)) .add(po.interact()) .add(po.compass().pan('none')); });
var layer = new wax.p.connector(tilejson)